Theory of Demand and Supply

Examine the Theory of Demand and Supply prepared by our JC Economics Tutor Simon Ng from Economicsfocus which focuses on the study of factors that influence choices of consumers and producers. The analysis of demand and supply factors can be understood with the focus of industry-specific examples. Also, the intersection of the demand and supply curves will determine the market equilibrium, which sets the equilibrium price and quantity.

economics tuition notes definition


What is demand?

-Demand refers to the consumer’s desire and willingness to purchase based on consumer satisfaction and the ability of the consumers' purchasing power to purchase goods and/or services at a particular period of time and the maximum level of price.

What is supply?

-Supply refers to the amount of goods and service producers are willing to produce based on profit motives and ability to produce based on production capacity to offer up for sales at particular price over a certain period of time

What is market equilibrium?

-This condition of market equilibrium is attained when the market demand is equal to market supply. At equilibrium, the market clearing price and quantity is determined

Why is the supply curve upward sloping?

-The supply curve shows the relationship between the price of good and the quantity of goods supplied by all the producers in the industry. It represents minimum price that all producers are willing to accept and able to produce. Supply curve is upward sloping because producers always aim to maximise profits by selling more at a higher price.

What is a “change in quantity demanded”?

-A change in quantity demanded is the change in consumption of the goods due to a change in the price of the good concerned. This is represented by a movement along the demand curve

What is a “change in quantity supplied”?

-A change in quantity supply means that the change in production capacity is due to the change in the price of the good concerned. This is represented by a movement along the supply curve

What is a “change in demand”?

-A change in demand is a change in the consumption of the goods due to factors other than the change in price of the good concerned. This represented by the shift of the demand curve

What is a “change in supply”?

-A change in supply means that the change in production capacity is due to some other factors beside the price of the goods concerned. It is represented by the shift of the supply curve

What is the meaning of excess demand condition?

-Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum amount that consumers are willing to pay for a given quantity of good and what they actually pay (equilibrium price).

What is producer surplus?

-Producer surplus is the difference between the amount received by producers and the minimum amount that they are willing and able to accept for supplying the good.

What is glut?

-Glut is a term describing a disparity between the amount demanded for a product or service and the amount supplied in a market. Glut occurs when supply exceeds demand for a certain product.

What is shortage?

-Shortage is a term describing a disparity between the amount demanded for a product or service and the amount supplied in a market. Shortage occurs when demand exceeds supply for a certain product.

What is a black market?

-A black market or underground economy is the market in which illegal goods are traded.

What is specific tax?

-Specific tax, is a tax that is defined as a fixed amount for each unit of a good or service sold, such as cents per kilogram. It is thus proportional to the particular quantity of a product sold, regardless of its price.

What is subsidy?

-Subsidy is a payment to the producers by the government. It lowers the cost of production and shifting supply curve down and to the right. Specific subsidy causes a parallel shift downwards and to the left. Ad valorem subsidy causes a pivoted shift in the clockwise direction

What is an inferior good?

-An inferior good is a good that decreases in demand when consumer income rises, unlike normal goods, for which the opposite is observed.

What is a normal good?

-Normal goods are any goods for which demand increases when income increases and falls when income decreases but price remains constant

What is a luxury good?

-Luxury goods are products and services that are not considered essential and are associated with affluence. Demand for luxury goods increases as income increases

What is competitive demand?

-Goods are in competitive demand when they are close substitutes of one another. If two goods are close substitutes, a fall in price of one will reduce the demand for the other and vice versa

What is joint demand?

-Goods that are jointly demanded, for example car and petrol, are complements to each other. The use of one commodity requires the use of the other commodity in order to generate satisfaction. Change in quantity demanded for one commodity is likely to affect the demand for the other.

What is derived demand?

-Some goods are demanded not for their own sake but because they are used in the production of other commodities. Eg. The demand for factors of production is a derived demand.

What is joint supply?

-Goods produced together from the same source are in joint supply. The increase in quantity supplied of one commodity leads to an increase in supply of the other good. Eg. Beef and leather

What is competitive supply?

-Competitive supply occurs when increase in the quantity supplied of one good results in a decrease in the supply of the other. This is because the production of goods requires the use of same resources hence the two goods compete for the same factors of production.

What is consumer surplus?

-Consumers’ surplus is the difference between the maximum amount that consumers are willing to pay for a given quantity of a good and what they actually pay

Why do prices rise when there is a shortage? (Excess Demand condition)

-A shortage means that demand for a good exceeds the supply. Hence price naturally increases as consumers are willing to pay more to obtain the good.

What is the meaning of excess supply condition?

-It occurs when there is glut which means that supply of a good exceeds the demand for the same good.

What is market equilibrium?

- A situation in which buyers and sellers are on aggregate satisfaction with the current combination of price and quantity if a good bought or sold, and are under no incentive to change their present economic actions. Hence, it is a position of balance which there is no inherent  tendency for change.

What are the non-price determinants of demand?

-Taste and preferences

-Real disposable income


-Government policies

-Interest rates

-Exchange rates

-Expectations of the future

-Seasonal changes

What are the non-price determinants of supply?

-Costs of production

-Price of related goods

-Innovation/State of technology

-Natural factors

-Government policies

-Expectations of future price changes

Why is the demand curve downward sloping?

-The demand curve in downward sloping as in reflects the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. As price increases, less consumers are willing to pay the higher price for the same good, hence quantity demanded decreases.

What is the substitution effect?

-The effect of a change in price on quantity demanded arising from the consumer switching to, or from, alternative products.

What is the income effect?

-The effect of a change in real income resulting from a change in the price of the good or service, ceteris paribus.

What is composite demand?

-Composite demand is the demand for the goods that comes from many sources. (It can be used in many ways by different types of consumers.) For example, the demand of steel derives from multiple appliances, ranging from kitchenware to infrastructure.

What is fixed supply?

-Fixed supply refers to the supply of the production that is restricted and fixed and will not change in accordance to the change in the price level. For example, the fishery industry has its production capacity fixed by natural environment factor.

Why do prices fall when there is a glut? (Excess Supply Condition

-A shortage means that demand for a good exceeds the supply. Hence price naturally increases as consumers are willing to pay more to obtain the good

-A glut means that supply for a good exceeds the demand. Therefore, price naturally decreases as producers attempt to erase the excess supply of a good.

Explain the concept of law of diminishing marginal utility.

-Consumer benefit refers to the individual surplus derived from the consumption of goods and services. It is the economic measure of the difference between what consumers are willing and able to pay for a good or service relative to its market price.

What is producer benefit?

-Producer benefit refers to the producer surplus derived from the sale of goods and services. It is the economic measure of the difference between the amount a producer of a good receives and the minimum amount the producer is willing to accept for the good